Wednesday, December 31, 2008

a new year

So this year will be a entire new adventure for us. we have so many things we want to do. I have decisded that we will save money this year and not have any debt! I want to learn many new things about gardening and being a self sastaining small farm. Teaching the children about how things are grown. Oh how there is so many things!!!
We would also like to be a recpit for foster kids. Maybe for weekends and such. We cant financially adopt right now ( I would love to ) so I figured this would be great!
And the other thing is to be so very thankful for what we have. There is so many things that can happen to our precious kids. Just give them more hugs, be more pactient with them, read them one more story. just be thankful!

I hope that every one has a safe and wonderful New Year!

Thursday, December 25, 2008


It has been so long that I have been with out a computer. Let me just tell you I can not stand it ! This will be short because I have a ton of things to check on here.
Nodin is going to have his MRI Jan 6. FINALLY! I am sure that it will go well.

Our farm is growing. We have a goat named Tilly. She will be getting pregnant hopfully in the next month when we bring her to her new boyfriend :). The cycle every 28 days so we will drop her off for a month and let them do there thing.

We have 4 young chickens and 1 older one who is not yet ready to lay. We have our chicken magazine and we are picking out the new ones we will get.
Well thats it for now. We are looking forward to getting our new computer in Jan!!!!

Saturday, November 29, 2008

computer problems......

So my computer is broke. We are getting a new one and I am so hoping we get it before Christmas! Keep your fingers crossed for me. I really cant function without one ;0
I am at Jeff's work using his.
Not to much to update. Lots of doctors appt coming up in Dec. We met with the plastic surgeon and I don't really like her:( So I think I will go find another one.
I checked out driver ed for Casey and will be singing him up for Jan. And also called the college and he can start when he turns 16. So he will have another year to study what he wants. Dylan wants me to teach him to write in cursive and to do more on money. For those of you don't know we unschool which means they kids come to me when they want to learn things. When THEY are ready not when I am. It works so much better this way. It brings back the spark in there eye for learning new things. It's not frustrating because they want to find out what they want and How they want. It's kind of like a baby learning to walk. We don't teach them they just learn to do it when they are ready . When there body and brain tell them it's time. I so wish I did this from he beginning!

So anyway I am kinda sad about Christmas. We are very broke this year and my kids are great about not asking for and expecting everything. Emily wants me to take some of her Christmas money to buy a Burt's bee set at walmart. HOw cute is that!!

DYlan wrote me a song and it is just the best ting any kid can give his mom. I am hoping to record it and post it soon if its ok with .
I hope all is well with everyone!!!!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

So this is my new kitchen table

Jeff did a great job on it. It's 8 feet by 4 feet so there is plenty of room for all of us.

Well Tuesday we go meet Nodins new plastic surgion. I believe she is part of the cranail facial team that he will see. We are hoping to get the MRI scedueled within a month. He will have his brain and spine done. We have waited for over a year for this. They told me they would be able to get him in within a month. I couldnt believe it! We had to wait over 5 months in maine but then he was always sick so they couldnt do it. He has to be sedated for it and they block out awhile for it.

Then this Friday we are going to an Alpaca Farm. I cant't wait! I would love to have one. They also have milking goats and i would like to get one of those also.

Casey is playing the guitar like a mad man and he is loving the Muay thi (kick boxing/ mixed martial arts) He has found his calling!lol! Jeff is doing it and really likes it. It gets him out with the guys. They keep trying to get me to join the girls one but they just dont get that my bladder is just not what it used to be !! I mean they jump rope for 10 minutes at a time ;)

Thats all for now.....

Friday, November 14, 2008

Our field trip

So we are an unschooling family. And this is one of our many places we have gone. This little places is so great! So many things. Its called Sci Works In Winton-Salmem NC

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Just a day

So i have so many rambling thoughts in my head right now. I really need to weed them out. I just cant stop thinking about these children with cancer. It really pisses my off that there is not enough research being done.What they hell is wrong with this world? Don't get me wrong when I say this ( I had a breast cancer scare) BUt there is so much being done for breast cancer what about these poor kids? I just plain don't get it. So many millionaires out there and they could give so much more to things like research. UGGGG!

Then I am very thankful for all of Nodins issues. They are so very mild compared to so many others. We just have to worry about him falling and breaking his neck which sounds bad but its nothing compared to watching your child die from cancer.

I guess I just have a heavy heart today.

Plus we are thinking about having another baby and I cant make up my mind. I don't want to listen to my family about how we dont NEED another one. It stupid that they even say anything because they have nothing really to do with them. My kids want another one. ! Emily does big time.
So anyway those are just a few of the things rattling around in my head!

Please let this treatment work for Dante and please let Cassie be ok.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

some pics of the kids and house

Casey is 14 (15 next month) Emily is 10, Dylan is 8 (9 next month), Austin is 7, Nodin is 2 . My wonderful kids!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

We are in!

Ok So we are all moved in finally. My and the kids did it all week long. Jeff had to work late plus he was gone for the night Thursday. So he is over to the other place cleaning and getting it ready to hand the keys back over.

I love this place but I dont love the bugs. We are just not used to all these because in Maine they stay outside most of the time. So if any one has an organic approach to bugs please let me know. Nodin kepps saying "love my farm house" It is just so freaken cute.

The kids are loveing there Mauy thi! Its the ultimate fighting that they have on tv. Its not as bad as I thought it would be. For the younger ones its more excersing and for Casey and Jeff it thats too but beeing taught how to do mixed martial arts.

I want to ask any one and everyone to please say a prayer for a little boy we know who has cancer and is fighting very hard. His name is DAnte and he is 2. So please keep hime and his family in your thoughts.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

The perfect house for us.

O.K. So we found our perfect house. It is a farm house on 5 acres and a 36 acre tree farm acrost the street. We will be moving in in two weeks. I am so exsited. This is the house we have always wanted. There are so mant things to do.
It is 94 years young. In great shape. We plan to get chickens, a goat or two, maybe a milking cow.
We need to clean out were the pastures used to be. They are so overgrown. I also want to learn to keep bees.

I will post pics soon.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Ghosting it forward

This has been fun to think of ideas on ways to do this. I feel it is so important to get kids to learn to do nice things.(Plus honestly there are many adult who have forgotten how to do nice things ;) ) It really only takes a few minutes. Everyone has a few extra minutes a day. Here are a few ideas

1. give a treat to a friend or neighbor
2. Give a nice note to a coworker with out being caught ;)
3. Give a treat to any drive through you go through.
4. Send a nice email.
5. Go help a stranger with there bags at the shopping center.
6. send cards to all the people you know.
7. Pick up the piece of trash you would normally walk over.
8. Tell someone to "have a great day!"
9. Call a family member and tell them how important they are to you and why.
10. Open a door for the next person.

So can you think of any other ones? We want to as a family touch 100 different pepole so wish us luck :)

Please put the link on your blog so we can get as many pepole helping as we can !

Monday, October 20, 2008

This is a really great idea!

This is a great idea. We will be doing this with our family. There trully isnt enough good dees in this world so lets change it! :)

Sunday, October 12, 2008

What a week.

So this past week was just plain crap! My computer was down and I could feel all my home work pilling up! ugg! Wonderful pms all week. So my house ALMOST fell apart!LOl. But that is all behind us. Jeff is now a local driver so we are able to go visit him during the day.
I have yet to call the ywca about some classes for the kids. Unschooling is going great. It is just amazing the things kids learn whe they are not forced! Dylan and Austin have learned about making bow and arrows. They did a great job on them too. Emily is reading like never before. She is into ghosts and trying to rap her mind around the idea of them. We did get a coupld workbook for them that they wanted. I think they will be somthing that might come out form time to time. I did find out that there are a few peopl in the sarounding towns that are doing the same aproach to homeschool. i just trully believe that if you just let them be then they will come to you whne they are ready. Like math and Dylan . He is pretty good at it and he came to me this mouring and said look what I did. He did 2 whole pages by himslef. This is a child who hated traditional school because he is not a fast writer. He has lots of agsiety when it comes to "school work" I have not aske dhim to do a single thing that would even look like school work. But has read a few pages in a differnet book that he asked for. Thats my boy!

So unschooling is going great!

So do I want another baby? I just cant seem to let this go....

Friday, September 26, 2008

All is well.

So not much going on this weekend. I am hoping to get some more things for the house. I need a new dish set. I found a couple great buys at the goodwill. I am madly in love with the goodwill! I have always gone there. with so many different people to buy for I can always find something.
I have been looking into workbooks and things for Emily for HS/UN. She is bored. I guess the ymca has a gym class for HS kids. I will be calling them and signing the kids up.
I am off to get some hot chocolate. I have awful PMS! ugggg.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

We are good to go!

The paperwork went through and we are good to go. I can't tell you how excited I am to write my letters to the teachers!
well we are off to the NC ZOO today. Will post pics later.

Friday, September 19, 2008


Ok. So the paper work has been sent in. I went to the Princable this mourning. I told him a few of things that was on my mind. He is a nice man. But still he is going to stick up for his school and his teachers. If I could just keep my children home and pay the truancy fines I would. I HATE this school and how it makes my children feel.
Anyway. I have to just relax and know I am doing the best I can to get them out and home with me so I can teach them. My future goals of being an nurse i fear is on hold for good. so i will finish my degree and look into medical transcription or decoding. If anyone can lead me in that direction that would be so very helpful.
i don't want to take the chance to get scammed!
Nodin will have his 2 year birthday Saturday! wow what a year this has been, for him, and all of us!
Ok . so I might be very crazy but I want another baby. I know . i know. I am just plain nuts. Emily wants us to adopt. I told her its not that easy. Will the feeling of wanting another child ever go away?

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Our lives will soon change forever....

We have desided that we are going to homeschool / unschool. Yes there is a difrence, and I am not sure were we will fall. Unschooling is a child led teaching method. When a child is into somthing like bugs and then you build upon that. It is said that a person is his own best teacher. They want to learn and they are excited about things. They still have that excitment in there eyes when they learn something . So again I am not sure which way we will go.
I will be keeping Casey in his High School because he loves it there. So i will have Emily , Dylan, Austin, and ofcourse Nodin. I may end up on someones door step in my pjs asking if they can take me in! LOL! I think it will be an adjustment to say the least but we will be fine.
If you are wondering how we came to this I will give you the gorey details.First I would like to say we came from a wonderful school in Maine were they really cared about there students and gave these children respect, TO a school who beliveses in humileation and belittleing and not following regulations. So here is just a FEW exsamples of this school here in North Carolina; They have never followed Dylans IEP plan (he has a learning disability) I have called, emailed , wrote notes to no avale. When a child is late to school they are made to sing the Barney song in front of the class.(yes the I Love You song) The bus driver is allowed to threaten children on the bus by telling them if they dont shut there mouths she will do it for them ( she recived bus driver of the year and no I am not kidding) The last straw came whne I went to get Dylan for a doc appt and they left me in the office for 45 minutes because he was doing a test and I ended up missing the appt. while I was waiting for Dylan (who never came) there was a little boy in kindergarden and his teacher was with him and he was rolling around on his mat (the kid is little !) so the secratary called his dad. The little boy was so upset. They hung up the phone and the Secratry bent down (yes I heard the whole thing plus the teacher and a janitor) and told him if he didnt stop it she would take him in the bathroom and spank his behind and then when he got home his Daddy would whip him. I left the school bawling my eyes out. How is this legal? How is it that a secratary is allowed to TRY to disaplin a child. Is that not what a Principal is for? JUst Plian Discusting.
So those are just a FEW reasons I will be teaching my children at home.
More of our adventures to come.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Started school

So I have officially started college. Yikes. I am so very scared! lol! I think I just have to keep in mind that I cant have everything perfect , like the house work and things like that. i talked to a lady on the phone tonight who is a nurse and she was so nice . She is going to help me along the way.
The kids are doing great so far. Other then that not much is new. Emily is having her birthday party Friday night and a few of her friends are coming over. I really hope the boys are good! Nodin has one of his many appt scheduled with a new doc here. Its with an Ortho doc who was highly recommended. So fingers crossed there. we had CDS come today and find out what they will offer him. I'm sure OT, PT and maybe speech. I dint think he really needs speech though.
well that's about it for now.
Oh, I am planning on getting the kids in 4-H if anyone has any advice ? :)

Monday, September 1, 2008

Stone Moutain


So t has been a long time since i posted! Lots of changes! So the kids started school nd all seemed ok there. Casey loves his high school. Foot ball is going good. I am going to start getting all of Nodins doctors set up. Got a great referral from his Ortho in Boston and happy to know that this Doc down here trained under his old Doc. So that is great for Nodin. Plus called the CDS here in NC and they will be coming out and he already qualifies for there services because of is issues.
The big news with me is that I decided to go to school. I am going Online only. I am getting my associates Degree in Health care management and then I will be going into Nursing school in 2 years. So I start the 8th and I am so very scared that i will fail! anyway I have to just stay positive .....
Jeff is getting home more and that is great! We have lots of birthdays coming up and we are still struggling very much financially. One day at a time. Jeff said that he will take all the bills and do them because I just worry so much about all of it. The kids and all there school stuff really killed us. But what are you gonna do!
Well that's about it for now. I have things to do today. ....

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

I love this State

So I was thinking earlier that I havent even said anything about our state. We love living here. Its like the sky is so diffrent. The trees, the fields, roads. Everything! We love all the cows. Nodin I believe wants to be a cow farmer when he grows up. lol. It is somthing really cool to see to watch your kids playing outsiade trying to catch the fire flys. watching the bats swoop down getting there food.Looking acrost the field to the horses. It is better then I could of exspected. The weather is great too. I cant wait till winter with NO SNOW!!! It is a slower pace here and people wave all the time. Its a diffrent world here!
The sunsets are breathtaking! I will have to take pics.

North Carolinia is home to us!

Friday, August 8, 2008


So not much to say but Jeffs company sucks. He is very unhappy and it hurts cuz there is nothing i can do to help. We are very stuck. ugg... I keep telling him that he is the only one who can change things. He is a wonderful stpry teller and i have said for years that he should try to get a few stories published. He is slowly slipping into a deep dark hole and i just cant reach. He is a great guy and i hate to see hm be so unhappy . I told him yesterday that we moved here for a fresh start so what do you want to do. his dream is to open his own resaraunt. But obvisly that is a wyas off. We cant aford for him to take time off. Plus with me going back to school we need lots of money.
oh and when do these kids go back to school cuz Im starting to go batty!

life is about karma . you get what you put into it.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

ok better today

i took the advice from someone who left me a message and felt better. I gave into the fridge calling me had my glass of wine ;)
so let me just say that I think it is just unreal that a highschool would let there football players stay out untill 10;30 p.m in the middle of the week practicing. do they not realize that there are parents who work or they have small children who are sleeping? guess not. So ihave to go off and get Casey tonight and for the next two weeks at 10 p.m. have they not read all the reports on how great sleep is for you?
I have been thinking about my husbands dream of writing a kids book. He is such a wonderful story teller. Nothing like me . I have less then none!lol! A few of my children are like me. I wont mention any names though (wink,wink) I see that there are lots of things online who say they help you but i really wonder. Do they? Are they really just trying to get your money? Anyway another thought for the day I guess. I know he would be great at it.
Well thats it for now. Not much happening today since I will be dieing all day from cramps:(

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

lots of rambling from me....

Well i am in a mood today. I guess the summer has just plain caught up with me. The kids are driving me to my fridge were the wine is. trying.. to.. stay ..out of it...
I know they are just as sick of it as I.
I am so sick of money or for a better word lack of money. its like there is so much to pay and so many things do buy. Like school clothes. I know they are ok with not getting much but as a mom I want the best things for my kids. I should be able to take them to the mall and get them a few things but no we HAVE to buy most of the stuff from Goodwill. it just plain sucks. I feel like a failure.
Next is thinking about all of the specialist i have to contact and get Nodin into see. we have insurance but we still have huges co-pays. our coverage just sucks. Will it take me 1 or 3 docs for his spine before we( I mean ME) pick the right one. Or the right Cranial team. When you have a child who has not 1 but 3 rare disease or syndromes as some call them you can so easily get over whelmed. I just have so much in my head rolling around when it comes to Nodin and all his spacial things. Plus I love Jeff to death but I am the one who deals with ALL the medical stuff. He doesn't have a clue about any of it. (yes there is alot of resentment there) I think about all the money that we have to have for each appt. plus the gas , food, the other kids. Do I try a few local docs for some things or do i just drive 2 hours for all of it. Do i try the hospital that is smaller or the university that I KNOW has atleaste heard of all his syndromes.

I ... feel the... fridge... pulling me there....

Friday, August 1, 2008

Its Friday!

Wow what a long week. Jeff is finally coming home today. This being gone all week sucks but we need the money. I tryed to make him feel better.
So we are hoping to find a farm this weekend that we can go to on a regular basis to get our fruits and vegies. plus one of them has bees. i cant wait. I dont go to far from home during the week. i guess im just scared :/
School is almost here. Yaaa. The kids cant wait. i will be staring a few online classes to. i have signed up for the spring semester . I am very scared about daycare for Nodin. I have to worry about someone keeping there eyes on him at all times. If he falls the right way he can break his neck. He isnt sopossed to do a summersault. all these things keep running through my head. uggg. Thing can just never be easy.
I have also decided that i am going to be a better cook. I need to get off my ass and learn to cook diffrent things. any ideas?

Monday, July 28, 2008

Update on everything

So Friday our little pug died. Dylan found her and it was not good. So we layed her to rest in the back yard. Then brought Dylan to get his rash checked out at the hospital. They don't know what it is . Put him on predisone. Seems to be little better finally. Couldn't get Casey his meds for acne ( sever if anyone has any advice) so we settled for a diferent cleaning product. We went to the NC ZOO Saturday and had a great time. It is huge. The yesterday we didn't do to much and i wined and finally got a few hours to myself witch i spent at the Goodwill! found lots of good buys.
OK so send out the application to school to start in the spring. I didn't want to stress myself out by trying to crunch so much in in a few weeks like daycare for Nodin and studying for the placement tests. I really want to do good on them so i don't have to take general classes! Math is what i so need to study. again if anyone out there has any good books or websites do tell.
So it is Monday and its starts my week of being a single parent . i think i am doing OK. Jeff hates being gone all week but right now there is no other choice for us. we need the money.
well i am off to take Casey to his weight training.
p.s. thanks Trish for the support! i really, really need it!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Dealing with being home alone

So i guess I need to realize now that i have take care of the house and all these kids by myself for awhile. Not that my hubby wants to be gone cuz he doesn't but i still get mad at him for it. its like he tries to tell me how hard it is for him being out there and all this crap. well hello i have 5 kids 2 dogs 2 guine pigs 2 cats 1 bearded droagon plus everything else to deal with. i just don't feel bad for you. i guess it seems really mean of me to be like that. i want to study with school and i have so many things to do. like figure out how to pay for school clothes for the kids and bills . i hate having days like that when nothing seems to go good and you just feel plain crappy about life itself. I really need to go to the chiropractor so i can be adjusted.
I'm not sure if any of that makes any sense! i have been checking out the placement test online and i feel better about doing the college classes. not sure when i can get there or who will watch the kids but i have a goal. and i know if i really really try i can do this . yes i am trying to convince myself.

i think our summer is halfway over for the kids. i am glad cuz they really need to find some friends around here and i need my sanity back.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Finally a break

So his check was finally right and then some. I was able to go get a few things for someone we are sending a care package to , so that made my day. we will also be able to go to the beach Sunday! my hubby is on his way home and should get in sometime in the afternoon on Saturday.
On a very gross note... why do dogs like cat poop? why? it is so gross that i find my little pug eating it all the time. stop it!!! i can only just shake my head.
So i am going to try my hand at sewing some curtains for my kitchen. thankfully my family always tell me "oh mom the look great!" lol. i so know better. but at least i taught them to think of other peoples feelings.

that brings me to a thought about teaching your children about feelings and doing good things for others. today we went to a store and a man was sitting on the side of the curb with a sign. he was in his late 50's . i didn't even read the sign i just knew he could use a few dollars. ( i have been homeless before) so i dug deep down in my pocket book and had about $2 in change and i stoped to give it to him . he of course said God bless you. My 14 yr was in the seat next to me and i said "life is about karma" as i have said a hundred times before. i hope my kids will grow up and realize that. I really wish that more people would think of others and think about how they feel. ...
o.k. that's my thoughts for the day ! lol!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Not What we signed up for

O>K> So at what point to you just go crazy? We move over 1000 miles from a state that i lived in my entire live and hated to a state that i thik i like for a fresh start. We have the worst luck that you can imagen . if it is to go wrong it happens to us. My husbands job promiised so much and has failled on every single thing. its like What the HELL> we are broke and now he is gone 4 nights out of the week. I want to go to school but cant cuz i have no one to watch the kids. It sucks cuz hubby doesnt want these hours either. there may be an opening soon so we are hoping he will get it. it will me no overnights and i can start school.

oh and that brings me to the other problem. am i smart enough to go through school again? i have my doubts. well i really have lots of them! i do not want to be sitting around when Nodin starts school .

and my next rant is money . there is never enough. why do things have to be so much freaken money!!!! My oldest has 2 perscriptions that have to be filled and we have no money to do it. i have to start finding new docs for Nodin so we can get him in for his next surgery oh but wait i cant cuz i need money! uggggg!
maybe things will look better tomorrow! i can only hope

Monday, July 14, 2008

not much happening

Well today was a good day. Not much to do . i called the counslor at the college today and left a message. so i dont know what will happen. Maybe im not meant to further my education! who knows. All the kids are still very happy here so thats really cool. My wonderful hubby is stuck in TN . these hours are so not what we signed up for but we need the money so much right now. Its dinner time so im off to feed the hoolagins...

Saturday, July 12, 2008


We is it that I cant just make up my mind and let it be? I have had this dream of being a Maternity nurse for years but never did anything about it. Why? Failure. That is the only reason. I know i am capable of juggeling things for a few years. Oh and theres the guilt that i seem to get when i think about doing somthing for myself. Even though it will benifit the entire family in the end. I am just at a loss about the whole thing. My mom is all for it. ofcourse she is 900+ miles away so she couldnt help with daycare or anything. There are many things to think about though. what will i do with Nodin during the day. oh and what about the house work. I dont have any fairies that can come and clean. Its not like i would go full time right now but i just dont know..............

Friday, July 11, 2008

O>K> Is school here yet?

So am I alone is this world of some days you love summer vaca with your kids and then the next you are ready to wait on the door step of the school? I know it is hard for kids to finds things for them to keep busy but really do they get up in the mournin and say "hey today i will try to make mom irrated !" Dont get me wrong I LOVE MY KIDS but some days i feel like sticking my head in the sand.

First Post!

Ok . So i am new to this but thought it would be a nice to start one! I like the idea of getting my thoughts out there i guess. It gets lonley i guess a little being a stay at home mom and being married to truck driver . Oh and also moving to a new state that i dont know!

Well we moved from Maine to NC about 3 weeks ago. The move went well with ofcourse the normal things that happen. Like flat tires and things like that!lol! The kids great though.

Well this is a short post i guess. I have to get going. Casey is in football at his Highschool so i am off to be the taxi!