Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Our lives will soon change forever....

We have desided that we are going to homeschool / unschool. Yes there is a difrence, and I am not sure were we will fall. Unschooling is a child led teaching method. When a child is into somthing like bugs and then you build upon that. It is said that a person is his own best teacher. They want to learn and they are excited about things. They still have that excitment in there eyes when they learn something . So again I am not sure which way we will go.
I will be keeping Casey in his High School because he loves it there. So i will have Emily , Dylan, Austin, and ofcourse Nodin. I may end up on someones door step in my pjs asking if they can take me in! LOL! I think it will be an adjustment to say the least but we will be fine.
If you are wondering how we came to this I will give you the gorey details.First I would like to say we came from a wonderful school in Maine were they really cared about there students and gave these children respect, TO a school who beliveses in humileation and belittleing and not following regulations. So here is just a FEW exsamples of this school here in North Carolina; They have never followed Dylans IEP plan (he has a learning disability) I have called, emailed , wrote notes to no avale. When a child is late to school they are made to sing the Barney song in front of the class.(yes the I Love You song) The bus driver is allowed to threaten children on the bus by telling them if they dont shut there mouths she will do it for them ( she recived bus driver of the year and no I am not kidding) The last straw came whne I went to get Dylan for a doc appt and they left me in the office for 45 minutes because he was doing a test and I ended up missing the appt. while I was waiting for Dylan (who never came) there was a little boy in kindergarden and his teacher was with him and he was rolling around on his mat (the kid is little !) so the secratary called his dad. The little boy was so upset. They hung up the phone and the Secratry bent down (yes I heard the whole thing plus the teacher and a janitor) and told him if he didnt stop it she would take him in the bathroom and spank his behind and then when he got home his Daddy would whip him. I left the school bawling my eyes out. How is this legal? How is it that a secratary is allowed to TRY to disaplin a child. Is that not what a Principal is for? JUst Plian Discusting.
So those are just a FEW reasons I will be teaching my children at home.
More of our adventures to come.


Dawn said...

Good luck with the schooling at home! I am sure that will be challenging! I am so sorry that the school system you are now at is so bad!! It sounds miserable!!

Jacque said...

Good luck with homeschooling! I've always wanted to give it a try. My oldest dd had a bad experience last year in 4th grade with her teacher and I would have loved to have pulled her out. The school you mentioned sounds horrible, did you complain to the principal (that's what I did last year)?

Lolita Breckenridge said...

Ok, I want to expose the school! That is HORRIBLE. Have you tried the news media? Congressional reps?? Awful. I am so glad you are going to keep them at home for now. It's a huge undertaking, but I think you have the wit and heart and spark necessary to accomplish your goals!