Saturday, November 29, 2008

computer problems......

So my computer is broke. We are getting a new one and I am so hoping we get it before Christmas! Keep your fingers crossed for me. I really cant function without one ;0
I am at Jeff's work using his.
Not to much to update. Lots of doctors appt coming up in Dec. We met with the plastic surgeon and I don't really like her:( So I think I will go find another one.
I checked out driver ed for Casey and will be singing him up for Jan. And also called the college and he can start when he turns 16. So he will have another year to study what he wants. Dylan wants me to teach him to write in cursive and to do more on money. For those of you don't know we unschool which means they kids come to me when they want to learn things. When THEY are ready not when I am. It works so much better this way. It brings back the spark in there eye for learning new things. It's not frustrating because they want to find out what they want and How they want. It's kind of like a baby learning to walk. We don't teach them they just learn to do it when they are ready . When there body and brain tell them it's time. I so wish I did this from he beginning!

So anyway I am kinda sad about Christmas. We are very broke this year and my kids are great about not asking for and expecting everything. Emily wants me to take some of her Christmas money to buy a Burt's bee set at walmart. HOw cute is that!!

DYlan wrote me a song and it is just the best ting any kid can give his mom. I am hoping to record it and post it soon if its ok with .
I hope all is well with everyone!!!!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

So this is my new kitchen table

Jeff did a great job on it. It's 8 feet by 4 feet so there is plenty of room for all of us.

Well Tuesday we go meet Nodins new plastic surgion. I believe she is part of the cranail facial team that he will see. We are hoping to get the MRI scedueled within a month. He will have his brain and spine done. We have waited for over a year for this. They told me they would be able to get him in within a month. I couldnt believe it! We had to wait over 5 months in maine but then he was always sick so they couldnt do it. He has to be sedated for it and they block out awhile for it.

Then this Friday we are going to an Alpaca Farm. I cant't wait! I would love to have one. They also have milking goats and i would like to get one of those also.

Casey is playing the guitar like a mad man and he is loving the Muay thi (kick boxing/ mixed martial arts) He has found his calling!lol! Jeff is doing it and really likes it. It gets him out with the guys. They keep trying to get me to join the girls one but they just dont get that my bladder is just not what it used to be !! I mean they jump rope for 10 minutes at a time ;)

Thats all for now.....

Friday, November 14, 2008

Our field trip

So we are an unschooling family. And this is one of our many places we have gone. This little places is so great! So many things. Its called Sci Works In Winton-Salmem NC

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Just a day

So i have so many rambling thoughts in my head right now. I really need to weed them out. I just cant stop thinking about these children with cancer. It really pisses my off that there is not enough research being done.What they hell is wrong with this world? Don't get me wrong when I say this ( I had a breast cancer scare) BUt there is so much being done for breast cancer what about these poor kids? I just plain don't get it. So many millionaires out there and they could give so much more to things like research. UGGGG!

Then I am very thankful for all of Nodins issues. They are so very mild compared to so many others. We just have to worry about him falling and breaking his neck which sounds bad but its nothing compared to watching your child die from cancer.

I guess I just have a heavy heart today.

Plus we are thinking about having another baby and I cant make up my mind. I don't want to listen to my family about how we dont NEED another one. It stupid that they even say anything because they have nothing really to do with them. My kids want another one. ! Emily does big time.
So anyway those are just a few of the things rattling around in my head!

Please let this treatment work for Dante and please let Cassie be ok.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

some pics of the kids and house

Casey is 14 (15 next month) Emily is 10, Dylan is 8 (9 next month), Austin is 7, Nodin is 2 . My wonderful kids!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

We are in!

Ok So we are all moved in finally. My and the kids did it all week long. Jeff had to work late plus he was gone for the night Thursday. So he is over to the other place cleaning and getting it ready to hand the keys back over.

I love this place but I dont love the bugs. We are just not used to all these because in Maine they stay outside most of the time. So if any one has an organic approach to bugs please let me know. Nodin kepps saying "love my farm house" It is just so freaken cute.

The kids are loveing there Mauy thi! Its the ultimate fighting that they have on tv. Its not as bad as I thought it would be. For the younger ones its more excersing and for Casey and Jeff it thats too but beeing taught how to do mixed martial arts.

I want to ask any one and everyone to please say a prayer for a little boy we know who has cancer and is fighting very hard. His name is DAnte and he is 2. So please keep hime and his family in your thoughts.