Tuesday, August 5, 2008

lots of rambling from me....

Well i am in a mood today. I guess the summer has just plain caught up with me. The kids are driving me to my fridge were the wine is. trying.. to.. stay ..out of it...
I know they are just as sick of it as I.
I am so sick of money or for a better word lack of money. its like there is so much to pay and so many things do buy. Like school clothes. I know they are ok with not getting much but as a mom I want the best things for my kids. I should be able to take them to the mall and get them a few things but no we HAVE to buy most of the stuff from Goodwill. it just plain sucks. I feel like a failure.
Next is thinking about all of the specialist i have to contact and get Nodin into see. we have insurance but we still have huges co-pays. our coverage just sucks. Will it take me 1 or 3 docs for his spine before we( I mean ME) pick the right one. Or the right Cranial team. When you have a child who has not 1 but 3 rare disease or syndromes as some call them you can so easily get over whelmed. I just have so much in my head rolling around when it comes to Nodin and all his spacial things. Plus I love Jeff to death but I am the one who deals with ALL the medical stuff. He doesn't have a clue about any of it. (yes there is alot of resentment there) I think about all the money that we have to have for each appt. plus the gas , food, the other kids. Do I try a few local docs for some things or do i just drive 2 hours for all of it. Do i try the hospital that is smaller or the university that I KNOW has atleaste heard of all his syndromes.

I ... feel the... fridge... pulling me there....

1 comment:

Lolita Breckenridge said...

Have a glass of wine. I have resolved that it's better than going insane. You are dealing with a lot - I know just how you feel with the being overwhelmed. Wine, or a frozen margarita, helps. Or chocolate or ice cream. :-)